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Marcus Ferrar discusses Central & Eastern Europe
The Budapest House with Frances Pinter

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Marcus Ferrar discusses
SLOVENIA 1945: Memories of Death and Survival After World War II
on Slovene TV

TV interview in English by Slovene state television with Marcus Ferrar and John Corsellis describing how the British Army in Austria forcibly repatriated surrendered Slovene anti-Communist soldiers to their deaths in 1945. Authors John Corsellis and Marcus Ferrar appealed to the government for a British expression of regret to Slovenia.

Sixty two MPs signed an Early Day Motion in the House of Commons calling for this. Then British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw wrote personally to the authors, and the head of a U.K. Parliamentary delegation to Slovenia did subsequently express regret.

Who does not know that the first law of historical writing is the truth? –

I expect history to be kind to me, as I intend to write it myself –
Winston Churchill

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